February News

Please click on the link below to read the latest news! usmma news feb 2015 The newsletter is distributed to all USMMA members.  We would love to hear from you!   Questions, photos or news are always appreciated!

Send in your Marchador story!

Below is an editor from Horse and Rider magazine, requesting stories about the Mangalarga Marchador.   Please send your photos and stories to jpaulson@aimmedia.com! Jennifer came to meet the Marchador at the Las Vegas Events in October 2015.

Member Update – Articles about the Marchador and more

From Alessandra Deerinck, Human to Horse, USMMA member: Along with my warmest wishes for the Holidays, I would like to add to the list of accomplishments of the USMMA a few more instances in which I have brought the Mangalarga Marchador breed to the public’s attention  through my business, Human to Horse.  The Marchador horses I worked with,…

Clinic Results from Jeff Bosley

I had a great time meeting everyone and learning a lot at the clinic!  For those of you who attended, please take a photo of your horse with his or her ribbon if he/she earned one.  AND please, write down 1 or 2 things you learned during the clinic!  It would really be great to…

2015 Marchador Calendar

From Dana Johnsen, calendar organizer:   Dear Mangalarga Marchador enthusiast For the 2015 USMMA calendar, we are looking for Marchador images that represent our breed!   Please submit your quality, high resolution images to me before September 15th 2014. Email images to hilltophoofers@gmail.com with the subject line “USMMA Calendar” or for those with a dropbox – please…