Election Results Announcement

Dear Members, We did undertake the task of finding an independent third party to validate the counts, as requested by some USMMA members. Part of our search process included contacting a non-profit law firm. They advised that there is nothing in the AZ statutes that requires this action to be taken and they also advised that hiring…

Candidate Answers to Questions

Dear Members: We will be preparing for the USMMA election to begin in October, scheduled for Oct 15-31.  Please find attached all of the candidates answers to the questions we posed. Take some time to get to know more about them! The candidate slate is as follows: President – Tia Nelson, DVM and Ronald Knaack Vice President –…

Jeff Bosley Resigns

We have been informed yesterday that our President of 7 years, Jeff Bosley has resigned his Presidency effective immediately.   It is sad and disappointing news. He has served us so well for so many years.   We thank him for his dedication and service to our organization.    Jeff felt ” I am unable to…


I would like to announce to you the 2022 USMMA Executive BOD Election to be held October 1st – 31st. The Executive BOD for the USMMA is to be elected this coming year. The positions open for election will be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Any USMMA member who is interested in running for a…

USMMA Videos out on Youtube

Dear USMMA Members:   In January, Randy Conilogue, our USMMA Registrar, volunteered for an important project.   To create a video show that would run on a large screen TV during the Mane Event the first weekend in April 2018.   He created 14 videos.    It was a great success!  Many USMMA members contributed…

Tia Nelson Elected USMMA Secretary

The USMMA special election for Secretary was concluded this week.   Thank you for participating and voting!      We had 2 members who volunteered and the voting was very close.   I am happy to announce that Dr. Tia Nelson, DVM was elected as Secretary and will start immediately!   Congratulations Tia!   Our…

Marchador Quarterly Journal – Spring 2018!

Dear USMMA Members:   Enjoy your Spring edition of the USMMA Journal.    An additional highlight is the USMMA Annual Report also included with this edition.   Journal online – https://issuu.com/usmma/docs/journal_6_2018_final     Annual report online – https://issuu.com/usmma/docs/usmma_annual_meeting_2018     One of the things we hope to do with this publication is to feature the diversification of…

USMMA Board Elected

The USMMA elections for the Board of Directors 2018-2022 were concluded in December.   Thank you all for voting.  Following this letter from the President are the results of the election, the USMMA Board Members and their emails.   Dear USMMA members,   We are currently at 94 annual or lifetime members.   We believe…

Marchador Quarterly Fall Edition

  Enjoy your Fall edition of the USMMA Journal. We hope to publish quarterly, January, April, July and October. One of the things we hope to do with this publication is to feature the diversification of how the Marchador is used with real life examples. This Fall we are featuring Jumping with Marchadors. SubmissionDeadlines: SPRING…

Announcement – New USMMA Registrar

September 15th, 2017  To all USMMA members: Megan Fallwell, the USMMA Registrar for many years, has stepped down because of time commitments. We have another USMMA member who has volunteered to take over this critical position.  Our website and the UC Davis genetics lab materials have been updated accordingly. We are looking to train an…