We have been informed yesterday that our President of 7 years, Jeff Bosley has resigned his Presidency effective immediately. It is sad and disappointing news. He has served us so well for so many years. We thank him for his dedication and service to our organization.
Jeff felt ” I am unable to continue as President as I have come to believe my goals for the USMMA are no longer aligned with other BOD (Board of Directors) members or BOD candidates.”
Cathy Pierce, our USMMA Vice President, assumes the position of President for the remainder of his term ending December 31, 2022. Cathy will carry on with the election planning. We will be posting the questions we have asked the candidates to answer. She is dedicated to having a fair and valid election still planned right now for October.
Cathy is open to hear from you if you wish to contact her. Here is her contact information.
mail: cpierce@stx.rr.com; cell phone number is: 361-739-9988; address 3230 Roscher Rd, Corpus Christi, TX 78418