- Founding Members: Cris Guerra, Lynn Kelley, John Kelley, Tresa Smith
- Website created (unfunded)
- By-laws and registry rules drafted
- DNA standard implemented. 40 horses DNA typed by year-end.
- Met with ABCCMM President, Registrar and other officers. Worked with ABCCMM to correct paperwork and verify horses. ABCCMM inspection planned for 2005.
- Announcement letter to invite MM owners to join.
- USMMA incorporated and trademarked.
- Call for volunteers and election of Board of Directors for 1 year term.
- First President Lynn Kelley.
- First meeting of Board; bylaws adopted.
- First US-born Marchadors and imported Marchadors issued registration documents from the USMMA.
- Founding members Tresa Smith, Lynn Kelley and John Kelley fund legal efforts on several fronts for the ABCCMM to obtain the US trademark for the Horseshoe M brand.
- First ABCCMM inspection and branding ever held outside of Brazil (unfunded)
- ABCCMM and Brazil Visit (unfunded)
- Newsletter begins
- Breed Standard created. Exhibit A created.
- Show Committee formed. Show Rules drafted.
- Budget Process adopted. Operating Rules adopted
- ABCCMM and Brazil trip (unfunded)
- Elections held for 2006-2010 Board of Directors. Lynn Kelley re-elected.
- 2 US Vets train in Brazil to become breed inspectors (funded)
- ABCCMM and Brazil visit (unfunded)
- ABCCMM M Brand trademark efforts begun in 2005 are legally decided and approved for the ABCCMM.
- First Marchador arrives in Canada from the US.
- Lynn Kelley resigns Presidency. Second USMMA President is Tresa V. Smith.
- 116 Registered Marchadors, now in US and Canada
- ABCCMM Inspection Visit and First USMMA Clinic. Clinic DVD documentary.
- ABCCMM and Brazil Visit (unfunded)
- First USMMA Calendar / Fundraiser
- First Marchador embryo transfer foal born – 4 Seasons
- First frozen semen foal born – Summerwind
- USMMA Logo and Horseshoe S Brand created and trademarked. First US Marchadors branded with USMMA brand
- Long-term Plan developed
- ABCCMM and Brazil Visit (unfunded). Met also with the EAMM (Europe) for the first time.
- Technical Board created.
- Elections held for 2010-2014 Board. Third President is John Kelley
- 176 USMMA registered Marchadors
- ABCCMM Inspection Visit hosted
- USMMA Awards Program
- USMMA Show Support Subsidy
- “The Importers” documentary series begun
- New website begun
- Membership tops 70!
- Complete Horse Video Competition Created
- MM Gait Clinic in Texas
- ABCCMM National Show and Brazil Trip (unfunded)
- New Registry System adopted
- New Website launched
- Foal born from harvested egg
- MM Frozen Semen imported from Brazil
- USMMA registered Marchadors tops 200!
- 2 additional Board members added
- First Sela de Ouro and MM clinic held – Ocala FL
- Travel to Brazil for the National Show
- First MM foal born from a harvested MM egg – 4 Seasons
- First MM foal born from imported frozen semen – Summerwind
- John Kelley resigns; Susann Gabriel assumes Presidency
- MM Clinic and Sela de Ouro held in Helena, MT
- ABCCMM inspection in the US.
- Travel to Brazil for the National Show.
- Canada (Nickers Saddlery) launches MM initiative at the MANE EVENT, Red Deer, AB.
- Horse Illustrated travels to Brazil for a feature article on the MM in 2014.
- New Board elected for 2014. New President Rick Schatz, Flying Oaks
- May issue Horse Illustrated features the Marchador
- ABCCMM inspection visit
- Canadian Marchadors tops 15
- MM Clinic held in Las Vegas, NV
- PBR Promotional MM event held in Las Vegas NV
- Marchadors featured in many publications. USMMA ad in Trail Rider.
- ABCCMM inspection visit
- USMMA President resigns. New President is Jeff Bosley.
- Marchador rides in the AERC Rose Bowl Parade group.
- ABCCMM inspection visit
- Breyerfest, July 2016. Marchador is featured model. Imperio das Aguas JM.
- Brazil trip with group – Summerwind
- USMMA begins regional events
Registry update and survey project
- Elections – Jeff Bosley re-elected as President for 2018-2022 term.
- MMs at the Mane Event in Scottsdale, AZ
- ABCCMM inspection visit
- Brazil trip with group – Summerwind
- USMMA Quarterly Journal publishes to members
New Registrar Randy Conilogue and new database for Registration
- Membership tops 100 (123 actual at year-end)
- MMs at the Mane Event in Scottsdale, AZ
- ABCCMM inspection visits
- ABCCMM assigns Flavio Tavares for international development of the MM.
- MT Cavalgada – Haras Vista da Serra
- ABCCMM Inspection Visits
- MMs at Equine Affaire, MA
- USMMA becomes ABCCMM Nucleo
- Horse Illustrated MM article – January
- USMMA Scottsdale all MM Show
- Covid-19
- Regional Director Elections held
- AZ Regional Events and MMs in Working Equitation
- CA Labor Day Classic and Jingle Bell Show MM classes
- New Breed Awards in WE, Endurance and ETS
- New Virtual Competitions
- Membership tops 150
- Jeff Bosley Resigns; Cathy Pierce VP assumes Presidency
- Officer Elections held; Tia Nelson elected President (2023-2026)
- MT Cavalagada and MM competiton
- AZ Western Zone WE Championships with USMMA booth
- CA Labor Day and Jingle Bell Horse Shows
- MMs covers on Sound Advocate, Elite Equestrian and Horseman’s News!