Clinic Results from Jeff Bosley

I had a great time meeting everyone and learning a lot at the clinic!  For those of you who attended, please take a photo of your horse with his or her ribbon if he/she earned one.  AND please, write down 1 or 2 things you learned during the clinic!  It would really be great to…

The USMMA/ABCCMM Montana Clinic 2013

A thank you from Montana Clinic Coordinator Tresa Smith. Obrigada Brazil, Canada, USA,  Montana and Volunteers for an exceptional clinic. The Montana Clinic was held at the Rea Ranch near Helena Montana, September 5-10 of 2013.   It was the largest gathering of Mangalarga Marchador horses ever in the U.S.  with 24 horses participating .…

MM vests

Hello. Some of you took an interest in the vest I wore to the Montana clinic in sept. If there is anyone who wishes to go ahead and order a vest like I was wearing, please let me know by email The vest was a black stretch sport material with the MM logo in…

MM Clinic Slides from 2011

These are three reference documents prepared and presented by Kate Barcelos at the 2011 MM clinic in Texas.   Gaits, Bits and Dressage for the Mangalarga Marchador. (At the 2012 MM clinic, we videotaped the lecture, so the clinic videos will be posted with the slides.) Thank you Kate! Please click on the highlighted underlined…

2nd ABCCMM Inspection Visit Planned

Dr. Getulio Tadeau Vieira returns to the US in May to inspect U.S. born Marchador horses.  USMMA members who are also members of the ABCCMM wanted to have their horses maintain Brazilian registry as well.  The Brazilian association has strict guidelines and it inspects all horses for conformation, gait and temperment at age three before…

Video – 2008 MM Clinic

This is a preview of the longer (about 30 minute) video that was produced following the 2008 clinic.  For the longer DVD, please contact us. The clinic was “What makes a Marchador a Marchador?”   Held at 2 locations in May 2008 in Montana, it featured the ABCCMM inspection as a way to understand the breed.