ABCCMM Inspection – our 3rd!

The ABCCMM Inspection Visit for 2010 has begun! Dr Getulio Tadeau Vieira arrived in the US from Brazil and begins his 10 day trip cross-country and into Canada today.   He will be joined in Montana by Dr Tia Nelson, a US vet in training to become an inspector. This is the third inspection held…


With your 2010 or Lifetime membership, you will receive a free DVD, filmed during our 2008 USMMA clinic held in Montana. The DVD provides insight into the ABCCMM inspection process and the MM breed standards judged. Extra copies of the DVD are available for purchase too.  Contact the USMMA office.

2nd ABCCMM Inspection Visit Planned

Dr. Getulio Tadeau Vieira returns to the US in May to inspect U.S. born Marchador horses.  USMMA members who are also members of the ABCCMM wanted to have their horses maintain Brazilian registry as well.  The Brazilian association has strict guidelines and it inspects all horses for conformation, gait and temperment at age three before…

Video – 2008 MM Clinic

This is a preview of the longer (about 30 minute) video that was produced following the 2008 clinic.  For the longer DVD, please contact us. The clinic was “What makes a Marchador a Marchador?”   Held at 2 locations in May 2008 in Montana, it featured the ABCCMM inspection as a way to understand the breed.

1st USMMA Clinic Held

WHAT MAKES A MARCHADOR A MARCHADOR? The USMMA clinic was a smashing success in Montana last Memorial Day weekend despite inclement weather.  Dr. Getulio Vieira, an ABCCMM inspector for more than 20 years, taught the attendees and our 2 US vets in training about Mangalarga Marchador conformation and gait.  (Drs Tia Nelson and Hugh Rogers).…

USMMA trains 2 vets in Brazil

USMMA PRESS RELEASE The ABCCMM, the Brazilian Mangalarga Marchador Association accepted two US vets into their training program to become certified inspectors of the breed.  The Mangalarga Marchador registration process in Brazil requires that every horse be inspected at age three for gait, conformation and temperament in order to be fully registered and entered into the breeding registry. The…