The M Brand Trademark

USMMA PRESS RELEASE ABCCMM Protects their M Brand Trademark in the US On December 25th, the US Patent and Trademark Office awarded the Horseshoe M Brand Trademark in the U.S. to the ABCCMM, the Brazilian Mangalarga Marchador Association. The trademark is an M inside of a horseshoe. The M Brand is placed on the shoulder of an…

USMMA trains 2 vets in Brazil

USMMA PRESS RELEASE The ABCCMM, the Brazilian Mangalarga Marchador Association accepted two US vets into their training program to become certified inspectors of the breed.  The Mangalarga Marchador registration process in Brazil requires that every horse be inspected at age three for gait, conformation and temperament in order to be fully registered and entered into the breeding registry. The…

ABCCMM National Horse Show, Brazil

JULY 13-21 XXVI NATIONAL MANGALARGA MARCHADOR HORSE SHOW, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil The National Horse Show has the horses, the auctions, the shopping!  See past champions of the breed as well as the newer sport venues like pole bending, jumping and team penning. The showgrounds provide a great place to meet and talk with a huge number of Marchador…

July 2005 ABCCMM National Show

2005 ABCCMM National Show Author: Lynn Kelley Please visit the Brazilian website, especially if you have a high speed connection. This year, they have video of the show so it’s like being there!    All of the show results can be found on under XXIII National.  There are the many classes for each age level,…

2005 ABCCMM National Show

Planning for travel to the July National MM Show begins this week.  Please contact Lynn Kelley if you are interested in going.  Besides the show, visits to horse farms and some sightseeing is always included.

First ABCCMM Inspection done outside of Brasil

Drs. Jose Eduardo Teves and Getulio Tadeau Vieira traveled to the US in early May to inspect U.S. born Marchador horses. USMMA members who are also members of the ABCCMM wanted to have their horses maintain Brazilian registry as well. The Brazilian association has strict guidelines and it inspects all horses for conformation, gait and…

M Brand Trademark

On September 30, 2004, the ABCCMM filed a U.S. Trademark application for recognition of its international trademark, the M brand in use in Brazil since 1950. Click here to download the Press Release.  Founding USMMA members Tresa Smith, John Kelley and Lynn Kelley are coordinating and funding the effort on behalf of the ABCCMM. pressrelease