1st USMMA Clinic Held

WHAT MAKES A MARCHADOR A MARCHADOR? The USMMA clinic was a smashing success in Montana last Memorial Day weekend despite inclement weather.  Dr. Getulio Vieira, an ABCCMM inspector for more than 20 years, taught the attendees and our 2 US vets in training about Mangalarga Marchador conformation and gait.  (Drs Tia Nelson and Hugh Rogers).…

Brochure – FAQs on MM

Created by Tresa Smith and Lynn Kelley for use as handouts, brochures or show material. All MM articles printed and MM advertising are scanned images or pdf files.  Please click on the underlined item (you may have to click on 2 screens) to view the item. USMMA brochure faq

The M Brand Trademark

USMMA PRESS RELEASE ABCCMM Protects their M Brand Trademark in the US On December 25th, the US Patent and Trademark Office awarded the Horseshoe M Brand Trademark in the U.S. to the ABCCMM, the Brazilian Mangalarga Marchador Association. The trademark is an M inside of a horseshoe. The M Brand is placed on the shoulder of an…

2008 Calendars Ready for Purchase

Get a beautiful 2008 Mangalarga Marchador calendar! Contact Lori Silcher today as quantities are limited. Email Lori at silcher@montana.com. The cost is $20 for one calendar which includes shipping and handling. The cover is Cafundo Monalisa, photo shown with this message.

Florida Capital Horse Show

Marchador Manor and Carol Long made their grand debut on center stage in Ocala FL during this expo. Supported by the USMMA VP and show coordinator, Susan Neumann, the USMMA also had a booth staffed by members (John and Lynn Kelley, Jim and Grace Funderburk, Bill and Sandy Kambic, Ellen Farmer)  from around the country.…

Conquistador features the Marchador!

See the fall/winter issue of Conquistador magazine for a great article about Marchadors on a working cattle ranch in MT. Tresa Smith of Montana Marchador writes about her favorite cattle horse, Tabatinga Monitor. http://www.conquistador.com/current/V10_N4/fe_v10n4_1.asp