August MM EVENT – 2022 Cavalgada

USMMA CAVALGADA 2022 – hosted by Haras Vista da Serra, Helena, Montana


August 17 to 22, 2022

8/17 – Dr. George Vilar and guests of the 2022 Cavalgada Event arrive and check in.

8/18 – Provisional Inspection of MMs and Judged Competition Event.

8/19 – Definitive Inspection and Branding of MMs.

8/20 – Feast with Band and Prize Awards.  The York Community is invited!

8/21 – Cavalgada Ride and Young Horse Starting Demo.

8/22 – Departure.

Anyone who owns or is interested in Mangalarga Marchadors is invited to this event!

Boarding is available first come, first served; please contact us and let us know what you need. Horses MUST have a negative Coggins Test within the last 12 months and a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection to stay at Vista da Serra.

Stallions are only allowed if they are presenting for Inspection.

Unless you make other arrangements with us, please bring your own horse for the Cavalgada Ride and Competitions.

There are many motels/hotels/inns in Helena MT for lodging.  We offer camping here at our ranch and there is a primitive Forest Service Campground a half mile from our ranch.  

Please send any questions and RSVP to

Thank you!

Tia Nelson, DVM and Derek Brown, PE

Vista da Serra