ABCCMM (Brazilian Registry) Inspection Planning

Dear USMMA Members:

Tia Nelson, Haras Vista da Serra,   has requested an ABCCMM (Brazilian MM association) inspection in MONTANA during the last week of June.    We are sending out this notification to facilitate coordination with our members who may also need an ABCCMM inspection to double register their Marchador horses with that association.   Coordinating with this first inspection could save money in transportation fees for you if the timing works for you.   If June does not work, we also know that other USMMA/ABCCMM members in Arizona are planning another inspection trip later during the fall and we will keep you apprised of any inspection visit dates in order to make this process easier for you.
We are fortunate to have an ABCCMM inspector Dr. George Vilar, here in the US, in Florida.   Any ABCCMM member can request an inspection visit from him at any time of their own convenience.  His email is
The USMMA does not require inspection of Marchadors for registration.  However, we believe the ABCCMM inspection process is a valuable tool in evaluating and preserving the quality of the Marchador breed, especially for breeding animals.   And a number of North American breeders and owners carry both the USMMA registration and the ABCCMM registration on their horses, so we assist in this and in other cooperative efforts with the Brazilian association.
The first document 2018 ABCCMM inspection memo describes the ABCCMM registration and inspection process.
The second document lists the North American Marchador horses that might be ready for ABCCMM inspection as of this moment.   This list does not list all the MM horses that may be ABCCMM ELIGIBLE, so if you have horses or details to add, please let us know.
Please reply before June 8th  if you would like to participate in this inspection visit, but the sooner, the better.    More details and scheduling will occur with the individual members who sign up.
Randy Conilogue, USMMA Registrar
Lynn Kelley, ABCCMM liaison