Dana Johnsen, Regional Director – Canada took on the task of re-thinking and creating a new platform for our association website. The USMMA Board and Website Committee have helped some, but we would like to accelerate the timeline. SO, while the site is still in development and testing, the best way to test is to let you go look at it!
We would appreciate your feedback to the USMMA email – usmmarchador@gmail.com
Some of the new features include:
- more visually appealing
- more automation – for collection contact information, for billing, membership renewals etc. Members can initiate all business with the USMMA.
- photo and document libraries using Google.
- on-line store selling M brand merchandise.
- better integration with social media.
Here is the link to the new site! https://north-american-mangalarga-marchador-assoc.myshopify.com/
Be sure to take a test drive and let us know what you think. If you find any errors, please write them up. If you want something added, please let us know what that is. If you try out a form, let us know if it was clear. Thanks so much!!