2018 Membership Drive – Join Us!

Our 2018 Membership Drive is underway!   Renew your membership today by visiting our website page https://namarchador.org/membership.

The membership dues go toward achieving our goals,  funding the USMMA website, registration supplies and mailing, the show subsidy awards, booth sponsorships and board conference calls.   It is because of our volunteers  that we keep the organization running –  Thanks to our Board and our Registrar.

Our mission is to promote and protect the Mangalarga Marchador breed here in North America.    The USMMA is the official organization recognized by the Brazilian Mangalarga Marchador association, the ABCCMM.

To recap 2017, we failed to hold an annual nationwide USMMA event when Equitana Open Air – October 2017 canceled on short notice.    We  did achieve other goals and moved forward as an organization.   We appointed a new USMMA registrar. Randy Conilogue.    We gave out show subsidy awards ($250 each) and sponsored two USMMA booths at large equine events..  We purchased new show banners for any member to use at equine events for a professional presentation of the MM breed.   The USMMA Quarterly Journal is back in print.   We finished the elections for new board members and are ready to start 2018!

We start 2018 with 94 members, our highest to date and $10,000 in our bank account.   We are small, but passionate about our breed.   But, we need more – more members, more breeders and more horses if we are to succeed.   So, my biggest goal for 2018 is growth.   I will be developing a plan for doubling our size over the next four years (my second term as President).  It would be fabulous if we could beat my goal.

One of my other goals as President remains to encourage us to work together more as a team and to have fun with our Marchador horses.    Getting press and making news is a good thing for the Marchador breed.   Everyone benefits by the name recognition and exposure.   So, get involved or volunteer with the USMMA.  Or just promote your own horse locally and showcase why you chose a Mangalarga Marchador!   We are always looking for your stories and photos, so send them to us  to share with the world via our website, newsletter or in the press.

Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm!

Best regards,

Jeff Bosley,  USMMA President

Lynn Kelley, USMMA Membership Chair

paboz24@gmail.com. lynnkelley@me.com
