More USMMA News!


  President’s Letter   USMMA

    The USMMA Newsletter is back!

We are happy to announce that USMMA member Aline Oliveira Green has become our newsletter editor.  We expect our newletter to resume in December 2011.  Aline asked to wait until after Aline’s first endurance race with her Marchador mare, Erva-Doce de Tesouro.Good luck Aline!  ” To finish is to win.”Have you got news you want to share?  Send your news AND PHOTOS to Aline on her email

You can also post news and photos on Facebook or on our website too!

(Remember that to post on our website, you need to be a USMMA member and also you need to login.)


    Check out your horses’ pedigrees!


In the last President’s newsletter, we announced our new pedigree system.  Have you looked lately?  All of the pedigrees have been entered and about 100 photos added so far.Please check your horse for the following:

  • Is the information correct?  This is a manual process, so often there will be typos or perhaps missing information.
  • Is there a better photo of your horse?  We used the photos that had previously been submitted to us in most cases.  If you have a better or more recent photo that you want to use, please send it to Lynn Kelley at  We want the Marchadors to look their best!
  • Do you want to add more information?  Height, weight and details can be added.  Send Lynn the additional information so we can populate this database.
After the 200+ USMMA horses records are complete, then we will add more information on the Brazilian horses in your horse’s background.
We apologize in advance for any mistakes you find in your records.   We are proof-reading, entering data and trying to get it right.  Thank you again for your patience as we implement the new system that replaces


While you‘re at it…. 
If you are sending photos to Aline or Lynn, remember to consider entering that same photo to Ellen Farmer at for inclusion in the 2012 USMMA calendar.  Ellen’s email ismangalargafarmer@gmail.comEllen sent an email and form to pre-order calendars or to submit a photo.

Time is of the essence, as we would like to have all photos in by the end of October.



 Posts on our Website

 View Pedigrees

 Contact the President –

Questions, comments or new ideas.  Let’s keep moving ahead!







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