Meet, Greet, Marchador! Introduction Program

Individuals, Trainers, 4-H Clubs, Future Farmers!   Come one and all!

Anyone can start their adventure with Marchador horses with the USMMA’s MEET, GREET, MARCHADOR (MGM) visitation program!  This unique program offers you the opportunity to explore Mangalarga Marchador horses up close and personal. During your farm visit you will experience a relaxed, no-pressure, non-sales atmosphere.  You’ll learn all about the breed and their characteristics, and gain first hand knowledge of just how truly special they are – from the USMMA members that own or breed Marchador horses here in North America.    Search for a Meet, Greet, Marchador representative near you, and begin your journey today.

Read what others are saying about Meet, Greet,  Marchador!

“What a marvelous experience!  The hour just flew by.  Joe and Judy truly provided a wonderful introduction to these Brazilian  Marchador horses”

“Karin gave us a wonderful tour of her farm and took a great deal of time showing us her Marchadors.  We even got our photos taken with her beautiful mare, Suzie”

Click HERE to find the list of participating USMMA members to schedule your visit and Meet, Greet,  Marchador!






USMMA Members to sign up to become an Meet, Greet, Marchador ambassador!

As a recognized Meet, Greet,  Marchador representative, you’ll have the opportunity to share your expertise and lovefor your horses with newcomers. A first-time experience that is pleasurable and friendly is often the beginning of a long-term relationship with the Mangalarga Marchador breed. You can make that possible by sharing your knowledge about the Marchador with interested visitors of all ages and equine backgrounds.   The USMMA will assist you by providing promotional literature to help promote the breed to your farm visitors.   We will also post what you are willing to offer to visitors so that they will select the right representative for what they are looking for.  This is an Educational Opportunity for many people to learn about the breed.   As such, even members that own just one Marchador can participate!   Sign up today to become part of this unique experience.

  From Sally — “I really try to show visitors why the MarchadorsDSC_3814.jpeg are special to me.   I like visitors to see how affectionate and calm they really are and I talk a lot about the versatility of the breed.”

From Ricardo — “I focus on the rich tradition, the history and the horse culture of Brazil that created the modern-day Marchador.  Being Brazilian, I want people to know how special the horse is; it’s the National Horse of Brazil.”

Click HERE to fill out the application form for the MGM program


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