The USMMA Board of Directors unanimously approved the proposed bylaw changes.
- Regional Directors
- Election Committee
- No Term Limits
Discussion was held to answer all of the members’ questions and concerns following the email announcement about the bylaw changes. The result of that work resulted a document further describing the Regional Directors positions and responsibilities. We hope that in creating this regional approach there can be more Marchador events and more opportunities for MM owners to get together locally across the country. That document is included below.
There are pros and cons to the term limits. We would like to have new people on the Board and want to encourage that to happen! We are hopeful that the Election Committee will help find members to fill these positions. The Regional Directors will be a great farm team concept if they want to run for an Officer position since the 2 elections are staggered every two years. However, we also want to reward and respect people who would like to serve. We are a small organization and retired members have time and experience to give. We agreed that if our assumptions are wrong, we can and will change this bylaw back to limit the amount of time one can serve on the Board.
So, we will be holding elections to fill the Regional Director positions as soon as possible. More information about the Regional Director position and what those duties entail are listed in this email. The newly formed Election Committee will get to work identifying members to fill these position. The current Board Members At Large will be given priority if they choose to assume the new role in their region. Please let me know if you are interested!
In 2020, the Northeast and Southeast Regions will be combined, but we are expecting the Northeast region to continue to grow, so that may become a viable region by the 2024 election.
Best regards,
Jeff Bosley, USMMA President
Regional Directors Document
3-7 Regional Directors representing different sections of the U.S. and Canada. The regions are: Pacific, Northwest, Southwest,Midwest, Northeast, Southeast and Canada. The region are selected based on numbers of members and Marchador horses in that area. The states included in each region will be assessed based on number of members and numbers of Marchadors at every election year. Not every regional position needs to be filled if there are no qualified candidates or interest in that region.
To be considered for Regional Director, the individual must be an active FULL member or LIFE member for at least 60 days before the election, and be a USMMA-registered Marchador owner at the time of the election. Each Regional Director must remain an active voting member of the USMMA for the duration of their responsibility.
A term will span 4 years. There are no term limits as long as the individual is willing to volunteer and is deemed capable to fill the position. Each Regional Director must submit their name to the Election Committee to be placed on the ballot and be elected by the members every four years. The first election will be held in 2020.
The USMMA Regional Director elections will be staggered elections with the USMMA Officer elections so that elections are held every 2 years beginning in 2020.
Regional Directors shall be full members of the Board and required to cast their vote on USMMA budgets, bylaw changes and other motions requiring a vote of the board. They are required to attend at least two Board meetings a year. The USMMA President will request resignation of the Regional Board Member should they not make the required meetings.
Regional Directors are responsible to encourage participation and cooperation among breeders, owners, trainers and other equine professionals in support of the Mangalarga Marchador and the USMMA goals within their region and to affiliate and coordinate with other local organizations and associations in support of the vision and mission of the USMMA. They are expected to know all of the USMMA members in their region and hold one Marchador or member event at least every 4 years. When a regional event is planned, the Regional Director needs to submit a plan and budget for the event to the USMMA if they are requesting funding for the event.
For 2020, here is one suggested table for the Regions, and based on the #s, also suggest that the Northeast be combined with the Southeast region. *MM horses include those owned by non-USMMA members. *Member numbers are based on all family members, not households.
States | MMs | Members | |
Pacific | California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada | 51 | 24 |
Northwest | Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska | 54 | 12 |
Southwest | Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Texas, Colorado | 72 | 34 |
Midwest | Oklahoma, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky, Missouri, Minnesota, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Louisiana, Kansas, Arkansas | 43 | 15 |
Northeast | New England, New York, Pennsylvania,New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, | 6 | 10 |
Southeast | Florida, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi | 57 | 26 |
Canada/Other | Canada plus other countries | 22 | 11 |