Two new board members were appointed in July. Congratulations to Alessandra Deerinck, CA and Bill Dory, Alberta Canada! They replace Rox (Rogers) Hicks, who left the Board in 2015 and Laurie Klassen, our Secretary whose term will be expiring December 31, 2015.
We asked them to introduce themselves to you, the members. This month please welcome and meet Bill Dory with his own written introduction.
“How does searching for a saddle become costly. My wife Sandy had been considering purchasing one of Dana’s Sensation saddles. Dana suggested we could view one of her saddles in AZ. We scheduled a time, with some lady named Lynn, to look at her saddle. As we met with Lynn, saddle talk quickly became horse talk. Horse talk led to a ride.
On our way home it became obvious, Sandy was determined to own a MM. Well one led to three, three led to six. Six led to a larger horse trailer, bigger truck to haul larger horse trailer, now more land is required. Obviously I wouldn’t have agreed to all this,if I didn’t believe in the breed.
Horses that we own
Tory (Hilario) do Lucero, Flying Oaks Athena, Joao Ricardo do Lucero, Igor do Lucero, Jardiniera da boa fe, Yansa inMotion (photos are Igor, Tory with Sandy Dory and Athena with Sandy Dory. Bottom 2 photos by Shannon Ford.
At this time we don’t have a farm name. We’re considering the following names:
Northern lights
Your suggestions are welcome.
I’m pleased to be part of the MM community. Everyone I’ve met in the MM community have been quality people. I’m excited on meeting other owners and introducing new people to the breed.”