America’s Favorite Trail Horse Competition

Lori SilcherThe American Competitive Trail Horse Association (ACTHA)
Hi, this video is my horse Bali, (4 Seasons Marchador stallion) and I in the competition for America’s Favorite Trail Horse competition. I hope you will watch it from start to finish and enjoy it so we get your vote! We put our heart into it, had a GREAT time doing it. The rules said, less than 5 minutes, tough to show all he can do, but here is a sample of this, young, kind hearted stallion doing his best, as always for me. Look in the left hand column and click on “Peoples Choice audition”, then scroll down, go to page two and find us. The only way your vote will be counted is if you click on the “vote” box, the like button will not count. Thanks!!!!! I think this is a GREAT way to get our Marchadores seen!