Job Description of Treasurer: The Treasurer is the officer entrusted with the custody of the organization’s funds which are spent only by authority of the USMMA Board of Directors or as the bylaws provide. This includes keeping careful records of all receipts. It is the Treasurer’s responsibility to maintain the USMMA bank account, to bill and collect dues from members. The Treasurers annual duties include preparing the Treasurer’s Reports for meetings, working with the President on the Annual budget and preparing
the Annual Report for the State of Arizona (currently) and the IRS. The Treasurer is also in charge of the annual membership drive and handles the insurance for the association. The Treasurer along with the President will have authority to sign checks and such official documents of the USMMA as the President may direct. The Treasurer should be proficient in use of computers.

I hereby submit my application for Treasurer of the USMMA.
I was a founding member of the organization of the USMMA in 2004/5, and have worked for more than 20 years supporting the Marchador breed. I believe I helped all members equally whenever asked. My goal was to build an inclusive organization and help all members succeed as Marchador owners or breeders.
Vision and Mission – Mine remains the same and congruent with the USMMA. The vision of USMMA is to provide leadership for establishing and promoting the Mangalarga Marchador horse breed in North America, encouraging the pursuit of excellence in bloodlines, and the welfare of its human and equine participants.
- To inspire and encourage interest in the Mangalarga Marchador breed.
- To provide a registration body to insure the purity of the breed.
- To publish a breed standard consistent with the Brazilian standard of the ABCCMM.
- To encourage participation and cooperation among breeders, owners, trainers and otherequine professionals in support of the Mangalarga Marchador and the USMMA goals.
- To affiliate and coordinate with other organizations and associations in support of the vision and mission of the USMMA.
If elected as Treasurer and Board Member, I would like to accomplish this vision by redoubling the efforts to get more volunteers in the association – harnessing the power and skills of our members more than we have in the past. I would like to see an internship program for any member to learn or help in the USMMA areas that interest any of the projects or ideas we have that have sat idle for lack of manpower.
I would also like to propose 2 new committees or groups: An Innovation Committee to see if we can get new ideas to the table and develop them more quickly – perhaps without Board involvement until funding is requested and a Breeder’s Committee to work together on common goals and facilitate sharing of ideas, marketing, advertising etc.
As the current Treasurer, I collect membership dues and pay bills, report to the board on financials, prepare a annual budget, file the annual report for the corporation, file the IRS document for the corporation, obtain insurance needed, act as a point person in several contracts with UC DAVIS, GODADDY etc. Most every transaction is electronic these days so the knowledge of PayPal, Zelle, Venmo, FB payments and more is required.
As the current Treasurer, we have managed to stay fiscally responsible with the annual budget about equal to the annual membership dues. We are in excellent position to grow and to continue for another 20 years. I like to spend money to promote the breed, but I will be the curmudgeon that asks for a project plan and budget when a funding request is made. That being said, the USMMA has funded many events and projects like the Equine Affaire in Massachusetts, USMMA shows and clinics for members, advertising, the annual breed awards and member requests for event sponsorship and member awards for showing.
Master’s Degree in Economics; other degrees in biology, anthropology and business.
Job experience in major companies running various functions – nationwide customer service departments, information technology, statistical departments, marketing and strategic planning, before becoming a consultant to Fortune 500 companies in creative thinking, teamwork, strategic planning and consumer research.
For the record, I would like to document some of what I have contributed and done over the years for the USMMA and for the MM breed. Many new members are not aware that the USMMA started with only 6 or so members (Myself, Tresa, John, Cristiana, Irene, Jake and Theresa are the people I remember at the first meeting) and the struggles we faced just to survive.
I was a Marchador owner who became a breeder. As Summerwind Marchadors I have Imported, Owned, Bred or Provided semen for 76 Marchadors in the US and Canada with 2 foals expected in 2023 so far. Believing genetic diversity is critical to the breed, Summerwind has imported frozen semen from Brazil and Uruguay – 11 stallions total. 3 stallion semen shipments failed because of FEDEX problems. Summerwind currently “stands” 12 stallions – mostly frozen semen.
Since 2002, I have traveled to Brazil nine times and on three trips brought people with me to visit the MM horse farms and national show. In the US and Canada, I have actively participated in promoting the Marchador.
• CA – Rose Bowl Parade 2002
- CA – Fiesta of the Spanish Horse – 3
- CA – Western States – 2
- OH & MA Equine Affaire – 2
- AZ and Canada Mane Event – 2
- KY -Breyerfest
- AZ – Carousel All Breed Horse Show – 3
- AZ – WE Clinics
- AZ – WE Shows
- AZ – USMMA Scottsdale Show
- TX, FL, AZ, MT, NV USMMA Clinic/Event
- AZ – Marchador Clinics hosted by Summerwind – 4
- CO – Marchador Summer Camps Sponsor as Summerwind – 3
- 2 TV shows on the Marchador – RFD and Rick Lamb
- Published MM articles in many magazines.
- On the Board – First President for 2 years
- On the Board – Treasurer for the last 8 years
- Non-Board Volunteer Newsletter and Journal, USMMA Old Website (2 of them), Membership Drives,Affiliate Organization Coordinator for MM year-end awards in Endurance, Working Equitation (WE) and Equine Trail Sports.
When the USMMA was founded, we faced a challenge by another group that wanted to trademark the Brazilian Horseshoe M Brand and control who could import or breed Marchadors in the U.S. Tresa Smith, John Kelley and myself funded and documented the legal proceedings for the trademarked M brand. We were granted the M brand trademark and gave that trademark to the rightful owner, the ABCCMM.
During the 2022 Election, it has been suggested that the current officers of the Board and the Election Committee have ulterior motives and do not work in the best interest of the membership. It has been upsetting to my life and my goals of a unified association working together. As a result I almost resigned from the current Board and considered not running again for Treasurer.
However, I have been convinced that it is imperative for me to run. I have the experience and the knowledge that would be valuable during the next 4 years that will help a new Board of Directors in many ways. The board positions are volunteer positions. There is no money to be made, there is no prestige or power in serving. We are a small group – less than 150 members. I serve only because I love the Marchador breed as we all do. You, as members, get to decide who you would like in office in October. I hope you will all vote. I hope you will give me another opportunity to serve as Treasurer.
Lynn Kelley, Summerwind Marchadors
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