M Brand Trademark

On September 30, 2004, the ABCCMM filed a U.S. Trademark application for recognition of its international trademark, the M brand in use in Brazil since 1950. Click here to download the Press Release.  Founding USMMA members Tresa Smith, John Kelley and Lynn Kelley are coordinating and funding the effort on behalf of the ABCCMM. pressrelease

DNA Standard

The Registrar has signed a contract with UC Davis to process DNA tests and store results for the USMMA.   The information on how to get a DNA kit is in the mail to members and also available on-line.

New Imports from Brazil

3 new horses arrived from Brazil on Tuesday June 8. All are in great shape. Two stallions La Paz Jivago and Caboclo da Piedade went to Summerwind in Arizona; one gelding, Kuwui da Sapupara stayed in California with Susann Gabriel. Welcome Susann!