All of the North American Mangalarga Marchadors AND their ancestors have been added to our new pedigree system. It was a big effort to transfer our data manually.
938 Mangalarga Marchador horses are in our database. (206 are registered with the USMMA, but that number includes some horses that are now deceased). All of the North American horses have photos and overall, 37% have photos. Like, you can go explore your horse’s lineage. You can find them in the Registry section of this website on the page labeled View Pedigree.
Information about the horses was added if it was available, like date of birth, color, registration number etc. However, if you look at the record, there is lots more room to add information about your horse – shows, awards, disciplines, height, weight, any kind of write-up. If you find errors, want to change the photo or want to add more information or video to your horse’s record, please send that request to the USMMA registrar.
You are able to download and print your horse’s pedigree whenever you want. On the pedigree form, you will notice a scannable code (using any smart phone) that will take you directly to the website and that pedigree on the website.
The USMMA registrar, now Megan McClarney Fallwell, will continue to issue the official registration document and the foal registration procedures remain the same.
Future Plans:

Classified ads will facilitate MM sales or stallion stud services. Photo shows Flying Oaks 2 year old colts.
Around April 2012, I will be adding and testing the WikiHorseWorld Classified Ads system if they have it completed on time.
WikiHorseWorld currently offers four ad “categories” for Horses, Products, Services, and Events. They will be developing four additional ad categories for Equine Real Estate, Trailers, Saddles, and Horse Hay (a total of 8 Classified Ad categories).
There will be options for simple ads and premium ads. Premium ads would include photos and videos.
During this timeframe is when WikiHorseWorld anticipates that members will be able to add photos, videos from your computer, and videos from YouTube to your Marchador’s pedigree. The classified ads and the horse’s pedigree, pictures and videos will be displayed on the USMMA website and also WikiHorseWorld’s website.